Our Practice

Our Practice


We Are Petros Therapy - Centre for Emotional Wellness


Growth occurs when individuals confront problems, struggle to master them, and through that struggle develop new aspects of their skills, capacities, and views about life. – Carl Rogers

About Petros Therapy

Petros Therapy is a private practice located in Alliston, offering psychotherapy services for residents in Ontario, both, virtually and in-person. We use a psychodynamic approach by incorporating therapeutic modalities to treat the person as a whole – mind, body, and soul as we believe that the three are connected. Wholeness requires us to acknowledge and support all parts of ourselves and learn how this interconnectedness impacts our sense of self and interaction with others. Because every person is unique in their personality and life experience, there is no “one-size-fits-all” therapy. Your personality, resources, expectations, and everything else about you will determine the therapeutic approach, tools, and process that will be used throughout our work together. 

Life has challenges of its own and change can be difficult. We know this as therapists, and we know this personally as people who have sat on the couch ourselves. We have tremendous respect for you in taking the initial step toward change, personal growth, and healing. We will take the time to learn what matters most to you and provide you with resources that will help put your values into action.

Become a resource for you.

Our sessions will carry a space in your mind that you can access to help you navigate through situations outside of our sessions.

Take you seriously.

You are unique and there is no one in this world that is identical to you or your experiences in life. We will see you differently and the work we will do together will be especially tailored for you.  

Encourage you to speak your mind.

There is nothing off limits in therapy. You are encouraged to speak of whatever you feel needs attention or is on your mind to share.

Respect you. 

We admire people that just keep on going even though there is adversity in their way. 

Being in therapy shows courage to reveal vulnerability to another human being. We 

commend you on your willingness to share. 

Be honest with you.

We will bring something to your attention if we feel it will benefit you or is for your own best interest. 

Meet you where you’re at.

Whether you are ready to ‘do the work’ or just need to be heard, that’s where we will start.

Care about you.

You are not just a client but a person with strengths and abilities. Our goal is to help you see your inner strengths, capacity for growth, and value as a human being.

Judge you.

Your story will not shock us. Nothing you will say will surprise us. We are committed to you and accept you no matter what your story is. 

Have all the answers.

We believe that the answers lie within you. We will help you connect with your wise mind and foster your inner capacity in making the choices you feel the need to make. 

Tell you what you should do.

We believe that you are the expert of your own life and circumstance. We will not make you think that we know more about your life than you do or assume what is best for you. If we do that, we will be depriving you from getting a deeper and more authentic view of yourself. 

Take your pain away.

Your pain is real and part of your journey to heal. We will extend compassion and unconditional regard and provide a safe space to hold your pain and be present with you in doing so. We will offer you guidance in existing with your pain to help make it more tolerable. 

End therapy.

The choice to end therapy will come from you, not us. If or when you’re ready, you will let us know. 

Minimize your story.

Your difficulties and trauma are real. If you compare your pain to someone else’s, you will always lose. If you dismiss or minimize your pain, it will never have a space for healing to happen.

A person of worth.

You are not “complaining” or “wasting” our time. One of our goals as therapists is to help you value yourself and see your worth. Everything you say in a session is important and we want to hear it.

Capable of creating change in your life.

We believe that as humans, we carry an inner capacity to feel in control over our lives by managing our thoughts, behaviours, and choices. 

Able to heal.

If you couldn’t, our career would cease to exist.

In control of our time together.

You will not be asked to do anything or talk about anything that you are not ready for.

“Too much” or a burden.

Your experience will not be minimized but will be validated and heard.

Crazy, broken, or damaged.

There is a strong will within you that is wiling to do some hard work. That’s why you’re seeking therapy, even if it doesn’t feel like it. You have worth and inner capacity to change things in your life that do not bring you peace. You were created imperfect but whole. You were not made broken. The brokenness you feel is the product of the painful experiences in life. 

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